O Banco Central Europeu (BCE) tem vindo a incitar os bancos do Eurosistema a progredir no que respeita à agregação de dados e reporte sobre riscos, os quais por sua vez constituem uma ferramenta essencial para uma boa gestão de riscos e em geral para o bom governo das instituições de crédito.
Neste contexto, partilha-se infra o conteúdo publicado na Newsletter de Maio do Mecanismo Único de Supervisão do BCE e o link de acesso ao mesmo, através do qual se pode também consultar o Guia para uma efectiva agregação e reporte de dados e informação sobre riscos:
Did you know… that the ECB is calling for banks to make progress in risk data aggregation and risk reporting? Effective data governance and high-quality risk data are crucial for sound and informed decision-making, as is robust risk governance. The ECB has strongly emphasised the importance of risk data aggregation and reporting, but many banks still do not prioritise it sufficiently, resulting in persisting serious structural deficiencies. Despite the lessons learnt from the global financial crisis, banks are still struggling to effectively manage and aggregate risk-related data. Following a public consultation on this topic, the ECB published on 3 May 2024 its final Guide on effective risk data aggregation and risk reporting. The Guide does not impose new requirements on banks; instead, it describes practices that they should have in place to identify, manage, monitor and report risks. The ECB expects banks to make substantial progress in addressing this within a reasonably brief time frame. The Guide is neither meant to be exhaustive nor limit any supervisory follow-up activity.